Why workplace safety is more important than ever

As processes become faster and customers demand greater efficiency, the modern-day workplace has become a hectic hive of activity on all fronts.

As efficiency escalates and expectations grow, we examine why workplace safety has now become more important than ever before.

Sobering Statistics

According to SafeWork Australia, 3414 workers lost their lives on-the-job between 2003 and 2016. This sobering workplace safety statistic means that more than 260 Australian workers have died as a result of workplace incident or injury during this 13-year period.

The Transport, Postal & Warehousing sector represents the largest number of worker fatalities over a similar 10-year period, closely followed by the Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing industries. And trust us, this is one race no one wants to win.

First Aid Safety in the Workplace

Workplace Safety in 2019

SafeWork Australia further reports: “as at 28 April, there have been 51 Australian workers killed at work in 2019.”

So, what can be done about this incomprehensible loss of life?

Despite the latest advances in technology and an increased awareness of risks, hazards and a pronounced emphasis on workplace safety culture, these sobering statistics show us more needs to be done.

The Importance of Workplace Safety: now more than ever

In recent times, Workplace Safety has become a hot topic, with companies boasting about their impressive safety records and proactive risk analysis. Here’s why:

  • 1. Businesses have become more accountable
    One of the main reasons workplace safety is now more important, is because organisations have become more accountable: to their customers, their shareholders and their employees. No longer are second-rate safety standards acceptable to anyone, and if this is discovered to be the case, a business will have a lot of explaining to do.
  • 2. Increased safety improves a businesses’ bottom line
    The links between a safe working environment and enhanced productivity have long been proven. Not only does a safer working environment reduce absenteeism and employee turnover, but a reduction in sick leave and worker’s compensation claims can only result in a more prosperous, profitable organisation.
  • 3. Safer workplaces result in better processes
    When identifying ways to make business processes safer for all involved, this allows time for businesses to identify and implement improved business processes and practices. Improving safety in business processes sets the standard for greater efficiency and increased ingenuity all round.
  • 4. Mental health matters
    The health and safety of a business doesn’t just relate to its physical working environment. Increasingly, the individual and collective mental health of employees is seen as a gauge as to how a business is performing on the safety scale.
    A safe and healthy working environment is one free from bullying and harassment, intimidation and coercion, and provides all staff fair and equitable treatment to adequately perform their duties. Organisations that strive to support both the mental and physical health of their staff are on the road to success.
  • 5. It saves lives
    Being safe in the workplace is everyone’s business. Not only does it increase productivity, improve processes and make organisations accountable; it protects the lives of their staff who deserve a safe and healthy working environment. Every. Single. Day. And that’s pretty damn important.

Stay Safe at Work with Survival

Survival Emergency Solutions is an Australian-owned, family business founded 30 years ago, to help everyone be better prepared for the event of emergency.

From our leading Workplace First Aid Kits, Bundles, Handbooks and revolutionary iFirstAid app, our mission is to give every Australian worker peace of mind that they will return home safe at the end of the day.

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